Mark Jennett is a trainer, consultant and writer specializing in work around equality and diversity (in particular gender and sexualities equalities), bullying, behaviour, emotional health and PSHE. He has provided training and other support for numerous schools, universities, local authorities and commercial organizations as well as the NUT and NASUWT, Stonewall and the Terrence Higgins Trust.

In recent years he has worked with the NUT, supporting primary schools to challenge traditional gender stereotypes through the curriculum. He also developed guidance for the Union on encouraging all children to read for pleasure by ensuring that they have access to books and stories that reflect and endorse their own identities and cultures and the variety of families that they come from. 

He is currently working with the National Children’s Bureau on a DoE and GEO funded project supporting schools to challenge transphobic, homophobic and biphobic bullying.Other projects have included the provision of diversity training and other support to 15 primary schools engaged in the ESRC funded No Outsiders Project, which aimed to develop innovative approaches to addressing gender and sexualities equalities in primary education. 

Mark has written and contributed to a range of publications including Undoing Homophobia In Primary Schools (Trentham Books, 2010) and contributed to the development of DfE guidance on homophobic bullying. He has also worked as a National Adviser with the National Healthy Schools Programme. He is on the board of the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education.


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