Kate Hollinshead has a BA Honours degree in Politics and German from the University of Bristol in 2005 and a Masters degree in Managing Equality and Diversity (Distinction) from London Metropolitan University. Starting her career with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Food Programme in Berlin, she then spent four years delivering equality training with the anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card, before joining EqualiTeach as Head of Education in 2013.

Kate has experience of delivering training to a wide variety of audiences, including schools, universities, Young Offenders Institutions, prisions, mental health institutions and Trade Unions. Kate has recently completed research into the experiences of transgender employees in UK workplaces and has written numerous guides for teachers on topics such as tackling disability-related bullying in primary schools and how to respond holistically to the requirement in promote Fundamental British Values in schools. In 2015, she became the Chair of Bedford Borough Council’s Equality and Diversity Network. 


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